when i couldn’t tell if spiders

OOOOOOOOH! Now I remember what I was going to say!

So this afternoon, I was working hard on stuff. I had been cutting and shaving foam rubber for a long time, and it was everywhere, and I felt yucky. So I went to take a shower. So I get in the shower, turn it on, and notice someTHINGS floating in the water.

I instantly got all freaked out, because I thought it was a spider. It’s just my luck that spiders tend to be drawn to MY shower… I’m always finding them in there. And you guys KNOW I don’t like spiders. (I shall now go off on a tangent and tell a story I’ve avoiding tell anyone because it’s so stupid. When we first moved to this house, I was sitting on my top bunk, just hanging out, and I glanced at my ceiling fan and saw a GIGANTIC spider sitting on it. I freaked out. I was too scared to climb down for fear it might jump on me (I was too close to it!) and there was no way I was going to try to lean over there and kill it. So I just screamed for my dad. Dad came and looked… and it wasn’t a spider at all, it was part of the fan. I looked closer and yep… part of the fan… I felt so dumb. But my point is I don’t like spiders.)

But I retained my senses, and found a cup and scooped the THINGS out…and it turned out to be bits of foam that was in my hair.
